
Brandy (to Nikolai): Apparently as she was dragging me out of the club, I was clinching onto this european guy screaming at Nadia: that's the 12th time you've cockblocked me tonight

Information: Single Earth

Started by Ash Leone, September 19, 2007, 05:14:35 AM

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Ash Leone

September 19, 2007, 05:14:35 AM Last Edit: September 21, 2007, 08:46:38 AM by Ash Leone
Single Earth


Single Earth came to be through the influence of the Witch-founded town of Vieton around the middle of the 19th century, soon after the fall of Midnight. Vieton had been meant as a safe haven against the oppression of Midnight and persecution of witches, a role that was, in an adapted form, passed on to Single Earth. The organisation started out small, but gained in power over the years and during the depression shifted towards what is now its current path, becoming more outwardly active in aiding people in need.
It was under the influence of it's current leader, one of the Smoke Witches, that Single Earth branched out to both Europe and Japan after the second World War, and in finding support and sympathy within all the cultures it has touched it has continued to spread ever since, reaching global proportions.
The heart of leadership has passed mainly between Smoke Witches, most recently Diana Smoke who took up the position after her Aunt Monica Smoke stepped down.


Single Earth is dedicated to peaceful relations between all of Nyeusigrube's inhabitants; be they human, witch, vampire, shapeshifter, Triste or anything else that cares to join. They value understanding and are ready to teach what they know about each kind, as well as researching what they don't yet know about how different races work and their history.
It's not their way to actively go recruiting humans, but they keep a watchful eye on the human community in order to help those who have come into contact with nyeusi unexpectedly. Human-born witches and shapeshifters as well as their families are to be given knowledge about what they are, and those who have been attacked by vampires are given what aid they need. Through a network of contacts in science, medicine, media and law enforcement they keep an eye on strange events to find these people and make them understand that what they have experienced isn't a sign of madness but another side of reality.
Single Earth has a strict non-violence policy, and as long as a person, regardless of who it may be, concedes to that they are welcome. They also advocate respect towards others' laws and attempt to abide by them within those communities' own boundaries. Just because you don't agree with someone, doesn't mean you have the right to force them to change. They do, however, attempt to help those who want to be free of said way of life.


  • Do not perform an act of unprovoked violence against another being, regardless of their identity or race. If they are peaceful, be peaceful in turn.
  • In the event of a violent or potentially violent situation, attempt to find a peaceful solution first before resorting to any other action.
  • Anyone who abides by the peace is welcome as long as it is not with the intent to cause harm.
  • If someone is injured they are to be healed, regardless of identity or race.
  • Those who need assistance and remain peaceful are to be given it, unless their own violent actions caused the predicament. Self-defence not included.
  • Anyone attacked while on Single Earth premises that did not bring the attack upon themselves, should be protected.
  • No individual should against their will be forced to defend themselves if the defense involves violence, but if you have the ability to help someone else in need without certain threat to yours or others' lives, you should do so.
  • No one should be coerced into taking an action that goes completely against their nature, such as the attempt to make a broken slave leave their Master. The will of a broken slave is no longer towards freedom, therefore it is an act of violence to free them without their Master's consent.
  • Other communities' laws and rules should be respected whenever possible.
Power and Influence

Single Earth is a quickly growing political power and is in modern day one of the largest corporations in Nyeusigrube. It reaches to nearly every continent and has a lot of contacts in high places in the human world, such as law enforcement, hospitals, scientists and researchers, and even lobbyist organisations and politicians. Some of the contacts are through legitimate companies, banks and trusts, and some are through individuals who are aware of the coexistence of nyeusi. It's a very successful world-wide company as well as a pacifist society.
Despite its influence, however, Single Earth doesn't have a lot of strength. It relies much on its allies' protection and on more powerful creatures simply not caring enough to attempt harming them. It's a fine line being walked, as the members all know, but if that had deterred them the organisation wouldn't be where it is today.

Geography and Means

Single Earth can be found world-wide, and it owns land and property on practically every continent. There are corporations, hospitals, homes, public service buildings and transportation services - even ships and jets - that are owned and run by the organisation itself, as well as those that are influenced by it. Some property of Single Earth's has been converted into parks and preservation land that is maintained by the members. All of this is used to help those in need, not to further personal comfort.


There is a large mixture or people and beings that are supportive of Single Earth without necessarily being members. There are witches, hunters, vampires and humans in high places that are ready to protect it.
Of the Witches, the Smoke family are the ones most closely tied to Single Earth, and not only because Diana Smoke is the current leader. Much of the Smoke family's views has shaped the policies of the association.
The well-known vampire mercenary Theron is someone who would come to the aid of Single Earth should they need it, unless it was counter-productive to his business. Of course, he'd charge for his assistance.
Another ally is Mira, a vampire fledgling of Siete. Though not always easy to find, she works closely with Single Earth. Her fledglings in turn tend to either be members or work with the organization.


Single Earth doesn't have any outspoken enemies, partly because a lot of the more powerful vampires and beings simply don't care enough about it to make the effort, and the members take great care not to step on the toes of people who can squish them like little irritating bugs. The Hunters usually don't bother the organisation since there isn't a lot of money in doing that, but should there be a target in Single Earth they wouldn't hesitate to take the contract, and a vampire would use pressure against it if someone targeted by them was harboured there.


The information described in this post is an interpretation with quotes from questions and answers found on Amelia Atwater-Rhodes' website and message board.
Information provided by AHAR and compiled by Angel

Ash Leone

September 19, 2007, 05:17:44 AM #1 Last Edit: February 13, 2008, 10:50:28 PM by Ash Leone
Single Earth at Night's Omen


There are forums specifically dedicated to Single Earth:More detailed information about these places can be found in their respective forums, with descriptions of location, local ideas, premises and residents.

Joining Single Earth - Out Of Character

This can be done in two ways, either by your character already being a member or by joining In-Game (see further down). If it's a character that already is affiliated, it's a good idea if they have some reason as to why they are part of Single Earth and why they joined. This can be written in their history.

If you want or need help in having your character affiliated wih Single Earth, feel free to get in touch with me.  It doesn't matter if you're an existing member on the board, or if you're looking to join Night's Omen.

Joining Single Earth - In Character

It's easy to join Single Earth. They are very open and will happily accept anyone who wants to live by and advance peaceful co-existance and non-violence. Literally anyone, no matter what sort of creature they are - Elavie, Vampire, Witch or Human.

For example: Many, if not most, of the vampires of Mira's line choose to live without killing and are part of Single Earth. They may not be strong compared to other vampires, but they are numerous. Of the Witches, the Smoke line tend to be members, while Vida do not.

Some people are silent members, supporting the organization while mostly concerned with their own lives, though they can take part in the occasional meeting. Others are active members who do things to aid the Single Earth cause in whatever way they can, or work for the organization full time. It's an individual choice.

Single Earth Members on the Board